I really enjoyed this read, thank you! Your book group sounds very special. You made me think about the favourites on my shelves, realising that I am in a slightly older age group than you! - Claudia Roden, who introduced me to Middle Eastern food in the early 70s, Ken Hom with his Wok, Madhur Jaffrey with her real Indian food and how we learned about their personal lives and social history along the way. Elizabeth David and Roger Verge with his simple, delicious recipes are still there too. Cookery books were very important then because we had no Youtube to turn to and the programmes on TV were not great. With three young sons we made it a thing to cook together at weekends and I am delighted that as adults all of them are very good cooks. Enjoy your summer break and the trip to Florence and we shall enjoy whatever you have time and mental energy to send our way! Diana

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Thank you Diana, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I definitely remember all those names and have a lovely Madhur Jaffrey book that describes the background to each of her dishes. I have sons who also cook but they tend to resort to Google rather than own cookbooks, although son no. 3 has a collection of Ottolenghi books that he loves to use.

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Really enjoyed reading this Gina ~ it made me want to read about cooking and even want to cook - so that was an achievement in itself. I will sit quietly in a darkened room until the feeling passes. Or maybe I’ll watch the YouTube video of Stanley stucco again - how can he make cooking an omelette so sexy? Xx

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That really is an achievement if I made you want to cook. I admit I am a little obsessed with Stanley Tucci :)

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I too loved Taste and Nigel Slater's recipes. I was talking to a friend last week about angel delight and vesta curries and the crunchy noodles on chow mein. Oh how sophisticated we thought them. Now I see them as UPF!

Love this piece Gina and the lemons.

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Thank you Susan. Gosh yes... Angel Delight was considered such a treat. And to think I gave it to my children! Horrible UPF that should be banned!

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I agree that Stanley Tuccis tv programme was wonderful. He also read Taste as a BBC book of the week, but that seems to have disappeared. Also he was on Desert island discs on BBC Sounds/Radio 4.

Your book group sounds fun, Vi especially like the idea of matching the food to the book.

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Thanks for leaving me a comment Juliet. I enjoyed the Desert Island Discs too but held back from any more Stanley Tucci recommendations for fear of appearing totally obsessed!

We are lucky to have such a lively and fun book group

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I think lots of people are slightly obsessed with Tucci. Our book group is not so lively, but we are reading Still Life by Sarah Winman which is based in Florence, so will maybe go for the Italian food and drink theme too.

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We read Still Life earlier this year... one of my favourite books and enjoyed by our reading group! I'm of to Florence in September so no doubt there will be a chance to write about it then as I would like to reread it before we go.

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