Like you, I get a pricking of my thumbs when Sewing Bee reappears! I love making my own clothes, though it is a rather sporadic affair. Merchant and Mills patterns are especially good and wish I could afford their fabric which is very enticing. I love your wedding dresses and the secons so exquisitely made. A lovely piece to read.

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I have often coveted the beautiful Merchant and Mills fabrics. I think I worry too much about spoiling beautiful fabrics so not sure why I tackled wedding dresses with confidence!

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I think making your own wedding dress is such a lovely thing to do and you are getting just what you want. I gaze endlessly at M and M's fabric!

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Your wedding dresses both look great!

I made a pair of trousers once, which weren't a great success, but i like customising and altering clothing

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Trousers are something I have never tried but I have a pattern sitting here ready to go!

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I always enjoy your ramblings Gina. I’m sure many of us can relate! I too made my first wedding dress which ended up in my eldest son’s crib. Very fancy!! Well he was my first baby after all.

I can relate to what you write as my mum used to say. ‘The spirits willing but the mind is weak’. Very true xx

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Thank you Jenny, I appreciate that. My ‘ramblings’ tend to be a bit random jumping from one subject to another so I never quite know what people will be interested in… or not as the case may be. I have no idea what happened to that first wedding dress, whether it was cut up and repurposed or just thrown out. I never liked it!

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Jun 16Liked by Gina Ferrari

Once I found a pattern for my skinny 20 year old body, I made “pants suits” every chance I was able to afford the fabric. That was 59 years ago and many pounds ago.

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I think we’re all probably many pounds bigger than our twenty year old selves! I am certainly

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Gina Ferrari

I totally agree about the 80s maternity garments - I also made a pair of baggy dungarees which I wore for both my preganancies. The great thing was that my best friend also wore them as we alternated being pregnant over the course of about 8 years! Wish I could find the photos...

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That is definitely a sustainability win to have both worn the dungarees over so many years

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